Automatic penetrometer
CT-A1000 Automatic penetrometer
The Automatic penetrometer is used for the determination of the needle penetration.
Measuring range
0~450 penetration
Constant temperature water bath
Temperature measuring range: 0.00~50.00°C
Temperature control range: Low temperature: 15°C lower than ambient temperature; High temperature: 50.00°C
Resolution: 0.01°C
Temperature control accuracy: ≤±0.1°C
Time control
0-60 seconds (arbitrary setting)
Displacement control
Adopting high-precision LVDT displacement sensor, split structure, no friction when the needle bar falls.
Measuring range: 0-50mm
Resolution: 0.01mm (0.1 Penetration)
Relative displacement accuracy: ≤±0.1mm
Data storage
200 groups
390mmx 310mm x575mm(length×width×height)
· Touch screen.
· Fast needle adjustment. The stepping motor drives the lead screw slider to real-ize the high-precision jogging adjustment of fast lifting.
· Internal integrated constant temperature system. It integrates semiconductor refrigeration sheet, cooling module, heating sheet and water circulation system to realize the ±0.1℃ high-precision constant temperature water bath environment control.
· Needle bar assembly. The standard needles are provided by designated professional special needle manufacturers, and are regularly sent to third-party for verification. The quali-ty of the needles strictly meets the specification requirements of 2.5±0.05g.
· Powerful data processing capability. Calculate the penetration index PI, equivalent softening point T800 and equivalent brittle point T1.2 according to the test results.Intelligently analyze the results and prompt the user. Data uploaded online. The device comes with a 485 interface (ModBus protocol), which can realize real-time data net-working.